Etiquette of visiting the ill and following the sunnahs when one is ill

1. Etiquette and sunnahs of visiting ill people whom you feel will be cured and what Rasulullah said about this virtuous act.

Rasulullah s.a.w said that if a Muslim visits another Muslim (who is ill) in the day, 70 thousand angels seek forgiveness for him till nightfall. And if he visits an ill Muslim at night, 70 thousand angels seek forgiveness for him till morning.

This should be enough to encourage us to visit the sick. Especially if they are family members, they have a greater right.

In visiting the sick,
1. Seek permission first before coming over and also before coming in. If they prefer not to have visitors, then it’s no longer sunnah to visit them.

2. Don’t stay too long, unless you know your presence brings happiness to them and doesn’t bother them.

3. If you are bringing children, please go through with them the basic etiquette of visiting ill people, especially those in the hospital.

4. Avoid any insensitive speech (eg, “I knew someone who suffered from the same thing and he died” or “you stink!”), and definitely avoid any haram or heedless speech (eg, gossiping, cursing, talking about some celebrity).. Rather, engage in meaningful talk and remind him that illness is a purification for a person.

5. (if you feel comfortable enough) Place your right hand on where the ill person is experiencing pain, or anywhere on his/her body and say: Allahumma rabbannaas adzhib alba’s, washfi, antash shafee la shifa’ illa shifa’uk, shifa’an la yughaadir saqaman (pm me for the Arabic text)

(Oh Allah, Lord of Man, remove the harm, and please cure, You are the One who cures, there is no cure except for Your cure, a cure that doesn’t fail to remove illness)

6. Say 7 times, “as’alu Allahal ‘adzeem, rabbal ‘arshil ‘adzeem an yashfiyak”

(I ask Allah the Great, the Lord of the great throne, to cure you)

Rasulullah s.a.w said, whosoever says this to someone who is ill but not facing death, then that person will be cured InshaAllah.

7. If the illness is heavy, then recite 41 yasins with the intention for this person to be cured. These 41 yasins can be distributed amongst family members and friends. Or recite 7 fatihah with the same niat that this person is cured.

(eg, say: 7 fatihahs with the intention that Allah cures (name of ill person).. Al fatihah)


Note: About illness and developing a connection to Allah, especially in the upbringing of your children.

We live in an age where we are overly dependent on medicine and painkillers to the point we no longer see the One who cures when He cures. One of the many things that I admire about the people here is that when they fall ill, medicine is the last thing they reach out for. The first thing they do is turn to Allah and seek forgiveness for all their sins. We are in fact the exact opposite in our dealings with illness.. The first thing we reach for is panadol to kill the pain, and the last thing we do when we see the medicines are not working is to ask Allah for help. May Allah rectify our state.

Here are a few things to do before running to the medicine cupboard when someone falls ill. Start with yourself, and teach your children.

1. Give sedekah (charity). Nothing removes difficulty, be it in the form of illness or family fights or depression, quicker than sedekah with the intention Allah lifts these difficulties. Teach your kids to give the poor when they fall sick.

2. Seek forgiveness for your sins. Allah wants to purify you of your sins. So seek the purification. Pray 2 rakaats solat taubah and taubat from your wrong actions especially if you know of specific ones you have been doing.

3. Doa to Allah to cure you especially during moments where doas are accepted. And do so for even the smallest of illness, this creates a connection between you and Allah.. And between your children and Allah.

Some times where doas are easily accepted:
– Between azan and iqamah,
– Right after prayer (there is a doa to say right after prayer that removes pain and depression and stress, pm me if you want it),
– In the moments before subuh (now Ramadan is coming, most of us will be awake at that time)
– When your husband/father goes for juma’ah, remind them to make doa for the family.
– When it’s raining.
– The night before eid
– Seek doas from the pious, and from those who are going to umrah or just returned.
– Teach your children to doa for you and for themselves because they have not reached puberty so they have no sin, hence their doas reach Allah directly. Our sins prevent our doas from being easily accepted.
– Ask your parents to doa for you, doas of parents for their children InshaAllah accepted

4. Learn methods from the Qur’an, sunnah and what the pious have said about specific illnesses. Eg, reciting the last 2 verses of surah hashr with your right hand on your head removes headache. There are doas to say to cool down a fever. And repeat the selawat for curing over and over again. (pm me if you want it)

5. Of course, prevention is better than cure. Remember your daily habbatusaudah (black seed), honey, don’t eat to your fill, fruits before the meal, not after. Don’t drink throughout the meal. These are some things from the sunnah of Rasulullah s.a.w. that prevent diseases.